Why Choose Molded Plastic Packaging for Cosmetics

molded plastic packaging

Molded plastic packaging is a popular choice of packaging among cosmetic brands. This is because molded plastics have the advantage of being break-proof, cost-effective, and sustainable. And they can be creatively designed to give cosmetic brands and their products the right visual representation. 

In this blog, we will discuss the common applications of molded plastic packaging, their common applications, and their advantages in use as cosmetics packaging. 

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Understanding Molded Plastic Packaging

Molded plastic packaging is commonly used in the food industry, consumer electronic industry, and even the personal care and cosmetics industry. They are basically plastic packaging materials made under high pressure in a mold. Molded plastic packaging is more suitable for cosmetic packaging because it can withstand accidental drops and rough handling. The ability to withstand rough handling without breaking is one characteristic all cosmetic packaging should have because cosmetics will be transported often and can be tightly packed.

What is Injection Molding Packaging

Injection molding is a commonly used method for fabricating plastic products from plastic materials. This process involves injecting molten plastic materials into mold cavities under high pressure so that when they cool and solidify, they take the shape of the mold.

Injection molding packaging is the process of manufacturing different packaging products with molds, under high pressure. 

Common Applications of Moulded Plastic Packaging

Molded plastic packaging has different applications in different industries. It is useful for food packaging, consumer electronics packaging, personal care, and cosmetics packaging.

  • Food Packaging

Injection molding packaging can be used to manufacture molded plastic containers, bottles, caps, and different kinds of plastic products used in the food production industry. 

  • Consumer Electronics Packaging

Electronic devices and accessories need molded plastic casings to protect their contents and make them look beautiful while serving their needed purpose. Molded plastic packaging serves as an insulator for electronic gadgets, and also shields them from weather elements.

  • Personal Care and Cosmetics Packaging

The personal care and cosmetics packaging industries are very intentional about their choice of packaging. If the packaging is properly designed for cosmetic products, they can attract more customers to the product. 

Glass and plastics are the most common packaging products used in this industry. Plastic materials allow easy and complex designs. Examples are White Plastic Deodorant Bottles W/ Roller Balls and Snap-on Airless Lotion Packaging.

Advantages of Molded Plastic Packaging for Cosmetics 

Molded plastic packaging has a lot of advantages in cosmetic packaging applications. They can be customized to suit the brand’s identity and give a vibrant brand image to customers. They are break-proof and do not shatter from a fall or rough handling. Also, they give the cosmetic product adequate protection from weather elements.


Molded plastic packaging is more suitable for cosmetic packaging because it can withstand accidental drops and rough handling. The ability to withstand rough handling without breaking is one characteristic all cosmetic packaging should have because cosmetics will be transported often and can be tightly packed.

Airless Black Bottle
Source: Airless Black Bottle


PET and HDPE are widely used plastics for molded cosmetics packaging. These plastic materials have the advantage of building a moisture barrier between the external environment and the cosmetics product. A molded plastic packaging can safeguard against moisture, light, air, and other environmental factors.

They create an airtight seal that preserves the cosmetic product’s freshness and prevents oxidation. They also provide light and chemical resistance. They do this by shielding out UV rays and preventing direct contact between the cosmetics and any pollutant that can compromise the products’ quality.

Creative Design

The design of packaging materials is very important in the cosmetic industry. Before the customers tend to buy a product, the product must have invited them on the display or they were referred by a satisfied user. 

Plastics can be easily molded and machined into whatever shape and size, including complex shapes and designs. 

Plastic packaging can be molded to reflect the image of the brand through the design of a unique cosmetic packaging form. In addition, custom-made forms and textures can be incorporated into the packaging design to catch buyers’ eyes. 

Clear AS Airless Pump
source: Clear AS Airless Pump

Various Customization Options

Apart from the creative design on cosmetic packaging, customization of cosmetic packaging is equally important to get cosmetics enthusiasts’ attention. The colors of the packaging can be customized to fit the color palette of the cosmetic brand. Also, surface printing of the brand logo, or other texts can be done on the surface of the cosmetic packaging with injection molding. 


Injection molding itself is a relatively cost-effective method of producing cosmetics packaging. Once the mold is manufactured, it is very easy to carry out large-scale packaging production, which can significantly reduce the cost of packaging production.

Injection molding of plastic has a high material efficiency, hence it is suitable for producing cosmetic packaging on a large scale. This process minimizes the waste generated from production by converting them to more useful materials to manufacture more packaging.


In the manufacture of plastics including cosmetics packaging, sustainability should be properly thought of, to prevent cosmetic packaging from constituting environmental nuisance eventually. 

The plastic material for injection molding is customizable so it’s possible to choose eco-friendly and sustainable plastic to make the cosmetic packaging. Recyclable materials like HDPE or PET can be injection molded so that after use, they can be used to make other beautiful designs instead of disposing to the environment.

Luxury cosmetic jar
source: Luxury cosmetic jar 

Choose the Best Molded Plastic Packaging from Cosmopacks

Cosmopacks is a cosmetic packaging manufacturer that specializes in producing highly sustainable and beautifully designed cosmetic packages in a short time. We offer a full-stack service that leaves all our clients with the utmost satisfaction. 

Fast Delivery Time

Cosmopacks cosmetic packaging industry is capable of achieving fast product delivery, with our lightning-fast delivery processes. From the time the order is placed, our superior logistics personnel swing into action to deliver the products as quickly as possible.

Cosmopacks Logo
Source: Cosmpocaks

Flexible MOQ

We have a flexible MOQ, whatever the quantity of packaging product is required, we are available to deliver. Whether you need a large supply of packaging materials to redistribute, or you are a small business that only needs a few supplies, you can always reach out to our customer care representatives to take your order.


Injection molding is suitable for designing different designs of cosmetics packaging. It has countless applications in different industries including personal care and the cosmetics industry for packaging cosmetics products.

Cosmopacks offers a full stack of cosmetic packaging production from design to the delivery of cosmetics packaging products. Whatever cosmetic packaging design you aim to achieve, whether cosmetic jars, bottles, tubes, or makeup packaging, Cosmopacks is the best company to bring your design to life, and make your products stand out.

Contact us today for your cosmetic packaging products, or other inquiries relating to cosmetics packaging.

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